Our cleaning process is measurable and is validated. We show you before and after data, proving the effectiveness of the cleaning process. We are conveniently situated in the North and South Islands, saving time and cost of transport, and getting the vehicle back on the road quickly.
03 348 8825
We believe that as the Diesel specialists we have a responsibility to minimise the impact of diesel vehicles on the environment, and at the same time provide a cost-effective recovery and repair option for our customers. Recently we have been receiving increased numbers of inquiries about problems with DPF filter systems on their vehicle. These are very expensive to replace, so we decided to introduce an effective recovery process that was fast and very cost effective. For more information visit the Enviro Exhaust website here.
what we do
- We use the Flash cleaner equipment proven in Europe and in many other countries.
- We are part of the Enviro Exhaust network in New Zealand.
- As such we have a proven method of cleaning, that is well established throughout the world.
- We carry out a full Visual inspection of the filter before work commences.
- We also flow test and back pressure test before cleaning commences.
- The full cleaning and drying process is then completed in an acceptable time frame, making the DPF ready for immediate reinstallation.
- Post clean back pressure and flow tests are carried out, verifying the effectiveness of the cleaning process.
- We also weigh the DPF before and after the clean, to further verify the effectiveness of the clean.
- Results are recorded, documented, and returned to the customer with the DPF.
Our process involves no cutting of the DPF housing, or baking of the filter, minimising the chance of damaging the filter.